For almost half a century, Master Zhou has been successfully helping thousands find relief from incalculable conditions with his powerful Qi Gong skills and techniques. He is known as "The Healer's Healer." His therapeutic Medical Qi Gong treatment, deeply rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, differs from Western medical therapy in that it is non-invasive and uses neither instruments, medications, nor drugs.
Master Zhou's Qi Gong therapy combines Chinese massage, pressure on the body's acupuncture points with the power of Qi and the radiating of Qi, usually felt as potent heat. Combining these methods effectively, Master Zhou treats patients holistically and is known for producing tangible therapeutic benefits. His treatments are restorative, rejuvenating, invigorating, relaxing, illuminating and energizing.
Areas treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine:
--Brain, nerve, neurological pain or damage
--Chronic injuries and/or illness, including speeding up recovery and healing after surgery and/or injury
--Eyes, ears, nose, throat and lungs/respiratory organs
--Heart, blood and blood vessels
--Skin, bone, joint or injury-related
--Liver, kidneys, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen
--Cysts and other growths
--Immune system
--Stomach, digestive tract and intestinal tract
--Fatigue, weakness, low energy
--Mood challenges, including Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, etc.
--Lymphatic and glandular
--Endocrine/hormones, metabolism
--Gender-specific: female/male infertility, impotence, prostate, etc.
--Healing practitioners and/or spiritual aspirants may also ask for assistance with activating, deepening or expanding their skills, abilities, and experience, as part of their treatments
*For those with chronic conditions, injuries or complex, ongoing symptoms--more than one treatment is suggested.
In our experience, it is recommended that if you are working with a chronic or complex condition or injury, booking a series of minimum 3 consecutive treatments is the most effective method to creating a lasting shift and/or improvement, based upon the way the Qi/energy from his treatments works within the body. If needed, Master Zhou will consult with you during your appointment regarding this, if you inquire. He will also tell you if fewer treatments are needed, based on your inquiry. We also recommend supplementing your healing journey with a regular Qi Gong practice (as taught by Master Zhou), shown in recent scientific studies to have a healthy, powerful calming effect on the mind and body. We have seen the biggest progress in long-term clients, with this approach.
If you have been treated by Master Zhou before and know that you would like or will need a series of treatments, it is highly recommended that you book them all at once, in advance--or you may miss out, due to his constantly full schedule. It is the opportunity of a lifetime to be treated by a true master.
All of Master Zhou's treatments are payable by cash or check only, non-negotiable. Treatments and/or Martial Arts classes are NOT available on a donation, pay-what-you-can, exchange or volunteer basis.
*Disclaimer: Individual results from treatments may vary. Master Zhou makes no claims, promises or guarantees that any or all diseases and/or afflictions will be completely healed or cured by his treatments. All treatments are non-refundable.
Master Zhou provides Medical Qi Gong treatments and Martial Arts training in the El Monte neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, USA, where he has established the Tian-Jue Qi Gong Non-Profit Foundation & School. Individual Qi Gong treatments and private Qi Gong and martial arts training/classes are available several days per week, by appointment.
To book a Treatment with Master Zhou in Los Angeles, please call (310) 478-1798. Let the office know if you are a "new patient" or "old patient" (have seen him previously) and/or would like a 40 minute or 1 hour treatment. (Including whether you would like to study Qi Gong or any other forms with him.)
Tian-Jue Qi Gong Foundation & School
4528 Cogswell Rd.
El Monte, CA 91732
310 478 1798
For international or out-of-town students who wish to have a series of treatments, apprentice long term or study several consecutive forms with Master Zhou, customized private class schedules and student housing is available at the school. If interested, please inquire and arrange at 310 478 1798 or email [email protected]. Please use this email for international scheduling or long-term studies, only. All other inquiries and treatment scheduling must go through the office number. Emails for single healing appointment requests will NOT be answered. We do not schedule single treatments through email.
Let Master Zhou know if there is anything specific you would like him to focus on, as the treatment begins. As per Chinese tradition, Master Zhou will not offer unsolicited guidance or information--if you have specific questions, you must ask them.
During periods of the treatment, you may experience moments of intense heat in specific, isolated areas, as Master Zhou transfers Qi from his hands into your body, in order to activate, open, cleanse, clear, release, re-energize, recharge or shift stagnant areas. It is safe, and your skin is protected. The heat you are feeling is generated through the potent amount of Qi, life-force energy, he is emitting, which transmutes into heat that he can control at will. The Qi enters your body through the heat. It is not a heating pad, hot stones, nor is it a chemical solution of any sort. This has been verified through extensive scientific testing of Master Zhou's method over the past several decades. You can witness some of this documentation of his "Hands of Heat" on The History Channel's "Stan Lee's Superhumans" as well as "Ripley's Believe it Or Not," "That's Incredible" and recently, "Man Vs. Weird."
Check out this article about Master Zhou, at NBC's Go Healthy New York!
Check out this amazing video, which display some of Master Zhou's incredible skills, including personal testimonials about his healing treatments, from adults to children!
Copyrighted material, which may not be copied or used without prior permission.
Master Zhou's Qi Gong therapy combines Chinese massage, pressure on the body's acupuncture points with the power of Qi and the radiating of Qi, usually felt as potent heat. Combining these methods effectively, Master Zhou treats patients holistically and is known for producing tangible therapeutic benefits. His treatments are restorative, rejuvenating, invigorating, relaxing, illuminating and energizing.
Areas treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine:
--Brain, nerve, neurological pain or damage
--Chronic injuries and/or illness, including speeding up recovery and healing after surgery and/or injury
--Eyes, ears, nose, throat and lungs/respiratory organs
--Heart, blood and blood vessels
--Skin, bone, joint or injury-related
--Liver, kidneys, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen
--Cysts and other growths
--Immune system
--Stomach, digestive tract and intestinal tract
--Fatigue, weakness, low energy
--Mood challenges, including Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, etc.
--Lymphatic and glandular
--Endocrine/hormones, metabolism
--Gender-specific: female/male infertility, impotence, prostate, etc.
--Healing practitioners and/or spiritual aspirants may also ask for assistance with activating, deepening or expanding their skills, abilities, and experience, as part of their treatments
*For those with chronic conditions, injuries or complex, ongoing symptoms--more than one treatment is suggested.
In our experience, it is recommended that if you are working with a chronic or complex condition or injury, booking a series of minimum 3 consecutive treatments is the most effective method to creating a lasting shift and/or improvement, based upon the way the Qi/energy from his treatments works within the body. If needed, Master Zhou will consult with you during your appointment regarding this, if you inquire. He will also tell you if fewer treatments are needed, based on your inquiry. We also recommend supplementing your healing journey with a regular Qi Gong practice (as taught by Master Zhou), shown in recent scientific studies to have a healthy, powerful calming effect on the mind and body. We have seen the biggest progress in long-term clients, with this approach.
If you have been treated by Master Zhou before and know that you would like or will need a series of treatments, it is highly recommended that you book them all at once, in advance--or you may miss out, due to his constantly full schedule. It is the opportunity of a lifetime to be treated by a true master.
All of Master Zhou's treatments are payable by cash or check only, non-negotiable. Treatments and/or Martial Arts classes are NOT available on a donation, pay-what-you-can, exchange or volunteer basis.
*Disclaimer: Individual results from treatments may vary. Master Zhou makes no claims, promises or guarantees that any or all diseases and/or afflictions will be completely healed or cured by his treatments. All treatments are non-refundable.
Master Zhou provides Medical Qi Gong treatments and Martial Arts training in the El Monte neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, USA, where he has established the Tian-Jue Qi Gong Non-Profit Foundation & School. Individual Qi Gong treatments and private Qi Gong and martial arts training/classes are available several days per week, by appointment.
To book a Treatment with Master Zhou in Los Angeles, please call (310) 478-1798. Let the office know if you are a "new patient" or "old patient" (have seen him previously) and/or would like a 40 minute or 1 hour treatment. (Including whether you would like to study Qi Gong or any other forms with him.)
Tian-Jue Qi Gong Foundation & School
4528 Cogswell Rd.
El Monte, CA 91732
310 478 1798
For international or out-of-town students who wish to have a series of treatments, apprentice long term or study several consecutive forms with Master Zhou, customized private class schedules and student housing is available at the school. If interested, please inquire and arrange at 310 478 1798 or email [email protected]. Please use this email for international scheduling or long-term studies, only. All other inquiries and treatment scheduling must go through the office number. Emails for single healing appointment requests will NOT be answered. We do not schedule single treatments through email.
Let Master Zhou know if there is anything specific you would like him to focus on, as the treatment begins. As per Chinese tradition, Master Zhou will not offer unsolicited guidance or information--if you have specific questions, you must ask them.
During periods of the treatment, you may experience moments of intense heat in specific, isolated areas, as Master Zhou transfers Qi from his hands into your body, in order to activate, open, cleanse, clear, release, re-energize, recharge or shift stagnant areas. It is safe, and your skin is protected. The heat you are feeling is generated through the potent amount of Qi, life-force energy, he is emitting, which transmutes into heat that he can control at will. The Qi enters your body through the heat. It is not a heating pad, hot stones, nor is it a chemical solution of any sort. This has been verified through extensive scientific testing of Master Zhou's method over the past several decades. You can witness some of this documentation of his "Hands of Heat" on The History Channel's "Stan Lee's Superhumans" as well as "Ripley's Believe it Or Not," "That's Incredible" and recently, "Man Vs. Weird."
Check out this article about Master Zhou, at NBC's Go Healthy New York!
Check out this amazing video, which display some of Master Zhou's incredible skills, including personal testimonials about his healing treatments, from adults to children!
Copyrighted material, which may not be copied or used without prior permission.